Why Do Cats Rub Against You? We Asked a Veterinarian

Cats are known for rubbing against their owners, but why do they do this? According to veterinarians, this behavior is more than just a sign of affection. Here are the main reasons cats rub against you:

When they rub against you, they’re leaving their scent as a way of marking you as "theirs." It’s a way of claiming their space and ensuring their scent is present.

Affection: While cats rub to mark territory, they also do it to show affection.

If your cat rubs against you, it's often a sign they feel comfortable and safe around you. This behavior is a way of bonding and showing love.

Seeking Attention: If your cat rubs against you, they might be asking for petting, attention, or food. They know that rubbing against you will get a response.

Comfort and Familiarity: Cats often rub against familiar objects and people for comfort. It’s a soothing gesture that helps them feel secure in their environment.

So, whether they’re marking you as their territory or just showing love, your cat's rub is a sign of connection and trust.


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