7 Quiet Dog Breeds That Barely Bark, According to the American Kennel Club

Basenjis are known for their unique yodel instead of a traditional bark. These intelligent, independent dogs are great for owners who want a quiet but playful companion.

Basenji – The “Barkless Dog”

Whippets rarely bark and are incredibly calm. They love to sprint but enjoy lounging just as much. These affectionate dogs make wonderful, low-noise family pets.

Whippet – Gentle and Silent

Despite their size, Bernese Mountain Dogs are gentle giants with quiet personalities. They are affectionate, great with families, and bark only when truly necessary.

Bernese Mountain Dog – Big and Quiet

Shiba Inus are independent and rarely bark, but they do "Shiba scream" when excited. They’re smart, clean, and loyal dogs, perfect for those who prefer quiet companionship.

Shiba Inu – Quiet but Expressive

Greyhounds are surprisingly quiet and love to relax. Though they’re famous for speed, they spend most of their time resting, making them ideal for peaceful households.

Greyhound – Laid-Back and Silent

Cavaliers are affectionate, gentle dogs that rarely bark. They love being with their owners and are perfect for those looking for a quiet and loving lap dog.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel – Sweet and Soft-Spoken

Borzois are elegant and almost silent. They’re independent yet affectionate, making them a great choice for owners who want a quiet but graceful canine companion.

Borzoi – Elegant and Mute

