7 Signs Your Cat Is Depressed

If your cat suddenly stops eating or eats significantly less, it could be a sign of emotional distress.

Loss of Appetite 

While cats sleep a lot, an increase in sleep or lack of interest in playtime may indicate depression.

Excessive Sleeping

If your normally social cat starts avoiding people and spending time in hidden spots, they may be feeling down.

Hiding More Than Usual 

Depressed cats may either stop grooming themselves or overgroom to the point of creating bald spots.

Grooming Changes

A sudden loss of interest in favorite toys, playtime, or interaction can signal emotional issues.

Lack of Interest in Toys or Activities 

Some depressed cats meow excessively, often sounding more distressed or mournful than usual.

Increased Vocalization

A cat experiencing depression may start having accidents outside the litter box due to stress or emotional imbalance

Litter Box Issues


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