If you've ever noticed orange electrical outlets in buildings, hospitals, or workplaces, they’re not just for decoration—they serve a specific purpose. Here’s what they mean:
Orange outlets usually indicate an isolated ground, designed to reduce electrical noise and interference, which is crucial for sensitive equipment.
Isolated Ground (IG) Outlets
These outlets are frequently used in hospitals, labs, and data centers, where clean power is essential for medical devices, computers, and scientific instruments.
Common in Hospitals and Laboratories
Regular outlets share grounding with other circuits, which can cause electrical noise. Isolated ground outlets prevent this by having a dedicated ground wire
Prevents Electrical Interference
In hospitals, some orange outlets are connected to backup generators, ensuring power remains available during an outage.
Sometimes Used for Emergency Power
If you see an orange outlet, it’s there for a reason. Unless you need an isolated ground, standard outlets work just fine for everyday use.
Not Just for Looks
Next time you spot an orange outlet, you’ll know it’s all about delivering clean, stable power for specialized equipment!