7 Inherited Traits That Come From Your Mom and Dad
Your parents’ genes determine whether you have blue, brown, green, or hazel eyes, with dominant and recessive traits playing a role.
Eye Color
Whether your hair is curly, straight, thick, or fine comes from a mix of both parents’ genetic contributions
Hair Texture and Color
If one or both parents have dimples, there’s a higher chance you will too, as they are a dominant genetic trait
These tiny sun-kissed spots are often inherited, especially if one parent has them, as they are linked to a specific gene.
While right-handedness is more common, if both parents are left-handed, you’re more likely to be left-handed too
The way you laugh and even how your smile looks can be influenced by genetics and shared family traits.
Laughter and Smile
Your voice tone and pitch are partly inherited, explaining why some families have naturally deep or high voices
Voice Pitch
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