Boat Pose (Navasana): Strengthens the entire core while improving balance. Sit with your knees bent, lift your legs and arms, balancing on your sit bones.
Plank Pose: A classic move that engages both your abs and entire body. Hold a plank position with your core tight and back straight.
Chaturanga Dandasana: A great pose for building core stability and upper body strength. Lower your body halfway down into a push-up position.
Half Boat Pose: A gentler version of Boat Pose, focusing on engaging the lower abs while keeping your balance intact.
Warrior III: Improves core strength and stability as you balance on one leg, keeping your abdominal muscles engaged.
Side Plank: Strengthens the obliques while improving overall core control. Lift your body onto one arm, stacking your feet.
Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana): A deeper backbend that also targets the core for strength and flexibility.