Cerberus, the three-headed dog, guarded Hades' gates, stopping souls from leaving. His fearsome image still fascinates, symbolizing protection and the mystery of the afterlife.
Argos, Odysseus’ loyal dog, waited 20 years for his master. When Odysseus returned, Argos recognized him, wagged his tail, and peacefully passed, showing true devotion.
Fenrir, the mighty wolf from Norse myths, grew so strong the gods feared him. Bound by a magic chain, he was destined to break free and bring chaos during Ragnarok.
The Hound of Baskervilles, from Sherlock Holmes’ tales, was a ghostly, giant dog haunting the moors. Its eerie legend still chills readers and inspires mystery lovers.
Laelaps, a Greek myth dog, was so fast it always caught its prey. But when it chased an uncatchable fox, Zeus turned both into stone, freezing their endless chase.
Garmr, another fearsome Norse dog, guarded Hel’s gates. During Ragnarok, he was fated to battle Tyr, symbolizing the fierce clash between life, duty, and destiny.
Black Shuck, a ghostly black dog of English folklore, was seen as an omen of doom. Its fiery eyes and silent presence made it a chilling legend still feared today.