10 Phrases Brilliant People Use To Politely End A Conversation With Anyone
"It was a pleasure talking with you, let's catch up again soon."– A warm and inviting way to end the conversation while leaving the door open for future discussions.
"I really appreciate your time, but I need to step away now."– A respectful and considerate way to acknowledge the person's time while signaling the end.
"I’ve enjoyed our conversation, but I have another commitment."– Gently letting the person know you're moving on without being dismissive.
"Let’s continue this another time—I'm looking forward to it!"– Offering a future opportunity for conversation ensures a positive close.
"Thanks for sharing that, I’ll think about it more."– This shows you value the conversation while signaling that it's time to wrap up.
"I need to get going, but I enjoyed hearing your thoughts."– A polite way to express interest while indicating that it’s time to end the chat.
"This has been really insightful, I’ll need to reflect on it."– A respectful way to acknowledge the conversation’s value while transitioning out