10 red flags indicating your best friend is not a real friend

They Disappear When You Need Help – A true friend supports you in tough times, not just during fun moments. –

They Constantly Criticize You – Constructive advice is fine, but constant put-downs signal toxicity.

They Only Talk About Themselves – If they never ask how you’re doing, they don’t truly care. – They Gossip About You – If they share your secrets or talk behind your back, they lack loyalty.

They Compete With You – A real friend celebrates your wins instead of feeling threatened. – They Take but Never Give – Friendship should be a two-way street, not one-sided effort.

They Ignore Your Boundaries – A friend who disregards your comfort and limits is disrespectful. – They’re Jealous of Your Success – Instead of being happy for you, they act resentful or distant.

They Make You Feel Drained – If their presence leaves you exhausted, the friendship is unhealthy.

They Don’t Defend You – A real friend stands up for you, not silently watching when others hurt you.


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