14 Words That Americans Pronounce Completely Wrong

Mischievous – Often mispronounced as "miss-CHEE-vee-us," the correct pronunciation is "MIS-chuh-vus."

Nuclear – Commonly pronounced as "NOO-kyoo-lur," the correct way is "NOO-klee-er." February – Many say "FEB-yoo-air-ee," but the correct pronunciation is "FEB-roo-air-ee." – 

Supposedly – Often said as "supposably," the correct pronunciation is "suh-POH-zid-lee." Library – Some people pronounce it as "lie-berry," but it should be "LIE-brary."

Et cetera – Commonly mispronounced as "EX-setra," the correct pronunciation is "et SET-er-a." Ask – Some people say "aks," but the correct pronunciation is "ask."

Escape – Often mispronounced as "exscape," the proper way is "es-KAYP." Sherbet – Frequently said as "sher-bert," the correct pronunciation is "SHUR-bet."

Valet – Many say "VAL-it," but the correct way is "VAL-ay." Either – Some people say "EYE-ther," but both "EE-thur" and "EYE-thur" are acceptable, though the latter is more common. – 

Theater – Mispronounced as "thee-AY-ter," the proper pronunciation is "THEE-uh-ter." Coupon – Often said as "koo-pon," the correct pronunciation is "KOO-pon." Brewery – Mispronounced as "broo-wery," the correct way is "BROO-ree."