Once nearly extinct, the red wolf is a rare predator found in the southeastern U.S. It has a striking reddish coat and plays a vital role in balancing ecosystems.
This ancient reptile thrives in the swamps of the southeastern U.S. With powerful jaws and armored bodies, they are top predators in their habitat.
A tiny, endangered deer species living only in the Florida Keys, the Key deer is known for its small size, gentle nature, and ability to swim between islands.
One of the rarest marine mammals, this seal is found only in Hawaii. It faces threats from habitat loss but remains a symbol of the islands’ unique wildlife.
With a massive 10-foot wingspan, this critically endangered bird is the largest land bird in North America, soaring high over the western U.S.
A nocturnal predator of the Great Plains, this small, elusive mammal was once thought extinct but has been reintroduced through conservation efforts.
This giant aquatic salamander lives in clean, fast-flowing rivers in the eastern U.S. Its slimy skin helps it absorb oxygen, making it a unique amphibian.