25 Dumbest Dog Breeds That Are Nearly Impossible to Train

The Afghan Hound is elegant but highly independent. They prefer doing things their way, making training a real challenge, even for experienced dog owners.

Afghan Hound – Too Independent

This "barkless" breed is known for its cat-like attitude. Basenjis love to do their own thing and often ignore commands, making training a tough task.

Basenji – The Barkless Rebel

Bulldogs are lovable but extremely stubborn. They respond best to short training sessions, but their lazy and willful nature makes them hard to train.

Bulldog – Stubborn but Sweet

Chow Chows act like they own the house. They are strong-willed and not eager to please, which makes training them frustrating without consistent effort.

Chow Chow – The Furry Boss

Borzoi dogs are intelligent but extremely independent. They prefer making their own decisions and often see no reason to obey human commands.

Borzoi – Too Smart to Listen

Bloodhounds are scent-driven, meaning once they pick up a smell, they completely ignore commands. Their training requires patience and a lot of persistence.

Bloodhound – Nose Over Obedience

Dalmatians are playful but strong-willed. Their high energy makes them fun but difficult to train, as they get bored quickly and often do what they want.

Dalmatian – Energetic and Stubborn

