35 Subtle Gaslighting Phrases That Are Unfairly Belittling Your Emotions

“It’s all in your head.” Implies your feelings or concerns are imaginary and not based on reality. 13. “You always overthink things.” Turns your thoughtful analysis into a flaw, dismissing valid concerns.

“Why are you making such a big deal out of this?” Downplays the situation, suggesting that your feelings aren’t justified. 15. “You need to relax.” Tells you that your emotional state is wrong and you need to calm down, ignoring the validity of your feelings.

“I don’t know why you’re upset.” Pretends not to understand your reaction, leaving you feeling like you're overreacting for no reason. 17. “I was only trying to help you.” Used to defend hurtful actions, suggesting that you should be grateful instead of upset.

“I never said that.” Denies something they said, making you question your memory and reality. 5. “You’re imagining things.” Implies that you're making up problems, forcing you to doubt your perception.

“Don’t take it personally.” Dismisses your emotional response, suggesting that your feelings shouldn’t matter. 7. “You’re just being dramatic.” Belittles your emotional reaction as an over-the-top response, reducing its validity.

“That never happened.” Denies your experience completely, leading you to question your recollection. 9. “You’re always making things up.” Accusing you of fabricating stories, making you doubt your own truth.

“I was just joking.” Used after saying something hurtful, forcing you to laugh it off and dismiss your feelings. 11. “You’re so sensitive; I was only trying to help.” Makes it seem like you’re at fault for reacting to a hurtful comment or action.