4 Zodiac Signs Most Likely to Get Back with Their Ex in 2025

Aries can be impulsive in love and may rush back to their ex out of curiosity or a desire for closure.

Taurus values comfort and stability, so they might return to a familiar relationship if they believe it offers security.

Leo craves attention and validation, and might rekindle a past romance to feel adored again, even if temporarily.

Libra struggles with decisions and could go back to an ex to avoid being alone or due to lingering emotions.

Cancer is deeply emotional and may feel the need to revisit old relationships for emotional support or familiarity.

Pisces is a dreamer who holds onto memories, making them more likely to reconcile with an ex in hopes of a fairytale reunion.

Capricorn is practical but might reconsider an ex relationship if they see long-term potential or growth after past lessons.

