Yellowish Skin (Jaundice): A yellow tint to your skin and eyes may indicate liver dysfunction.
Dark Skin Patches (Acanthosis Nigricans): Velvety dark areas around your neck, armpits, or other folds might signal insulin resistance linked to fatty liver.
Spider-Like Blood Vessels: Small, spider-web-like red marks, often on the chest or face, can suggest liver problems.
Red Palms (Palmar Erythema): Persistent redness on your palms is a potential sign of liver inflammation.
Bruising Easily: A damaged liver can hinder blood clotting, leading to frequent bruises.
Itchy Skin: Persistent itchiness may be caused by bile salts building up in the bloodstream.
Swelling (Edema): Skin around your ankles or abdomen might swell due to fluid retention from a struggling liver.