Cooking Freshly Caught Crayfish – Simple, Tasty, and Easy!

Rinse the crayfish under cold water and remove any dirt. Soak them in salt water for a few minutes to get rid of impurities before cooking.

Clean the Crayfish Properly

Fill a pot with water, add salt, garlic, and a bay leaf. Bring it to a rolling boil so the flavors infuse into the crayfish while cooking.

Boil Water with Seasonings

Drop the crayfish into the boiling water. Stir occasionally and let them cook for about 5–7 minutes until their shells turn bright red.

Add Crayfish to the Pot

Turn off the heat and let the crayfish sit in the seasoned water for 10 minutes. This helps them absorb more flavor and taste even better.

Let Them Soak for Extra Flavor

Remove the crayfish from the pot and drain the excess water. Serve them immediately with a side of melted butter or a squeeze of lemon.

Drain and Serve Hot

Mix melted butter, garlic, and lemon juice for a quick dipping sauce. This enhances the natural sweetness of the crayfish without overpowering it.

Add a Simple Dip

Freshly cooked crayfish taste best when shared! Gather around, crack open the shells, and enjoy the simple yet rich flavors of the lake’s fresh catch.

Enjoy with Family & Friends

