Lie on your back, hold a kettlebell above, and move your legs in a cycling motion. This targets deep core muscles while improving coordination and stability.
Sit, lean back slightly, and twist side to side while holding a kettlebell. This move fires up your obliques, enhancing rotational strength and core definition.
Stand with a kettlebell overhead, then lower your torso sideways while keeping it raised. This move strengthens your core, shoulders, and improves flexibility.
Hold a kettlebell in one hand and walk straight without leaning. This simple yet powerful exercise works your abs, balance, and posture like a moving plank.
Move a kettlebell in a circular motion around your head. This strengthens your entire core, shoulders, and improves mobility while keeping your abs engaged.
Start in a plank position and drag a kettlebell from one side to another. This move tests core endurance, strengthens obliques, and improves overall body control.
Hold a kettlebell at chest level and squat deep. This full-body move builds core strength, stability, and improves posture while working your legs.