Whether or not you need to refrigerate eggs depends on where you live and local food safety guidelines:
In the United States: Yes, Refrigeration is Recommended: In the U.S., eggs are typically washed and sanitized during processing, which removes a natural protective coating
Therefore, it’s recommended to store eggs in the refrigerator to prevent bacterial growth.
In Other Countries (e.g., Europe): No Refrigeration Needed: In many European countries, eggs are not washed, and their natural protective coating remains intact. As a result, these eggs are often stored at room temperature, which is considered safe.
Key Reasons for Refrigeration: Hygiene and Safety: Refrigeration slows bacterial growth, particularly Salmonella, which can be a risk in washed eggs.
Shelf Life: Refrigerating eggs extends their freshness, typically up to 4-5 weeks after purchase.
Room Temperature Storage: If eggs are not washed and have their natural coating intact, they can safely be stored at room temperature for a shorter period (usually about 1-2 weeks) before needing refrigeration.