How Many Push-Ups Should You Be Able to Do? Find Your Number by Age Here

Push-ups are a classic measure of strength and endurance, but how many you should be able to do depends on your age and fitness level. Below is a general guideline for both men and women:

Push-Up Standards for Men 20-29 years: 35-40 push-ups 30-39 years: 25-30 push-ups

40-49 years: 20-25 push-ups 50-59 years: 15-20 push-ups 60+ years: 10-15 push-ups

Push-Up Standards for Women 20-29 years: 20-25 push-ups 30-39 years: 15-20 push-ups 40-49 years: 10-15 push-ups

50-59 years: 8-12 push-ups 60+ years: 5-10 push-ups

If you fall below the suggested numbers, don’t worry! Consistent practice and strength training can help you improve. 

Start with modified push-ups, such as knee push-ups or incline push-ups, and gradually work up to full push-ups.