How to Fix Wilted Lettuce

Wilted lettuce doesn’t have to go straight into the trash! You can revive it with a few simple tricks to restore its crispness and freshness

Fill a large bowl with cold water and ice cubes.

Ice Water Bath (Best Method)

– Submerge the wilted lettuce for 10–30 minutes. – Drain, dry thoroughly, and enjoy crisp, refreshed lettuce!

Ice Water Bath (Best Method)

Mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 2 cups of cold water.

Soak in Vinegar Water

– Soak the lettuce for 10 minutes, then rinse well. – This helps firm up the leaves and kill bacteria

Soak in Vinegar Water

Wrap the lettuce in a damp (not wet) paper towel.

Refrigerate in a Damp Paper Towel

– Place it in a sealed bag and refrigerate for a few hours. – The moisture helps the leaves regain crispness.

Refrigerate in a Damp Paper Towel


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