How to position Jade Plant for luck, prosperity, good fortune?
In Feng Shui, the jade plant (Crassula ovata) is known as the "money plant" and is believed to attract wealth and positive energy. Here’s how to place it correctly for maximum luck and prosperity:
Southeast (Wealth) Corner – Place your jade plant in the southeast area of your home or office to attract financial success.
Near the Entrance – Positioning it near the front door invites good fortune and prosperity into your space.
In the Office or Workplace – Keep a jade plant on your desk or near the cash register to promote business growth and financial stability.
Avoid Bedrooms and Bathrooms – Placing a jade plant in these areas can drain its positive energy.
Ensure Good Light and Care – A healthy, thriving jade plant enhances its Feng Shui benefits, so provide bright, indirect sunlight and minimal watering.
By positioning your jade plant correctly, you can harness its positive energy for wealth, success, and good fortune!