Keep These Scents Out of Your Home if You Have Cats

Cats have an incredibly sensitive sense of smell, and some common household scents can be harmful or even toxic to them. If you’re a cat owner, be cautious about using these fragrances in your home:

Essential Oils Certain essential oils, like tea tree, eucalyptus, peppermint, and citrus oils, can be toxic to cats.

Inhaling or coming into contact with these oils may cause respiratory issues, drooling, or even liver damage.

Strong Cleaning Products Many household cleaners contain ammonia, bleach, or phenols, which can irritate your cat’s lungs and cause serious health problems. Opt for pet-safe cleaning solutions instead.

Artificial Air Fresheners Plug-in air fresheners, sprays, and scented candles often contain chemicals that can trigger allergies, asthma, or toxicity in cats.

Certain Flowers and Plants Lilies, lavender, and eucalyptus are among the many fragrant plants that can be toxic to felines.

To keep your cat safe, always research pet-friendly alternatives before using any scented products in your home.


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