Quick Morning Yoga: 5-Min Flow to Feel Amazing

Loosen tight muscles with slow rolls. This releases tension, improves posture, and prepares your body for movement.

Gentle Neck & Shoulder Rolls

Flow between Cat and Cow poses to wake up your spine. This simple move increases flexibility and relieves stiffness.

Cat-Cow Stretch

A series of stretches that warm up your body, improve circulation, and boost energy in minutes.

Sun Salutations

Strengthen your arms, legs, and core while lengthening your spine. A great way to wake up your muscles!

Downward Dog Stretch

Calm your mind and stretch your hamstrings with this relaxing pose. Helps improve flexibility and focus.

Seated Forward Fold

Inhale deeply, exhale slowly. This reduces stress, clears your mind, and prepares you for a great day ahead.

Deep Breathing Exercise

End with a short meditation to set a positive tone for your day. Take a deep breath and feel refreshed!

Final Relaxation Pose

