The 2 worst-behaved dog breed in the world, according to data. 

Determining the "worst-behaved" dog breeds can be subjective, as behavior often depends on individual temperament, training, and environment.

However, based on owner surveys and expert analyses, two breeds frequently noted for challenging behaviors are:

Siberian Huskies are renowned for their high energy levels and independent nature.

 Siberian Husky

A survey by Forbes Advisor, involving 5,000 dog owners, ranked Siberian Huskies as the least obedient, particularly in following commands.

 Siberian Husky

Their strong-willed personality can make training a challenge for inexperienced owners.

 Siberian Husky

Beagles, while affectionate and good-natured, possess a strong hunting instinct and curiosity.


This can lead to stubbornness and distractibility, making training sessions more demanding.


The same Forbes Advisor survey placed Beagles among the breeds struggling with obedience and temperament.



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