Gemini: Known for their mood swings, Geminis can turn a minor disagreement into a huge deal, making them one of the pettiest signs when they feel slighted.
Cancer: This sensitive water sign often holds onto past hurts, using small moments to fuel their pettiness. They may bring up old issues in future arguments.
Leo: Leos have a big ego, and when it's bruised, they can become petty. They may make sarcastic comments or demand attention after feeling ignored or overlooked.
Virgo: As perfectionists, Virgos often focus on tiny details and imperfections, making them critical and petty when things don’t meet their high standards.
Libra: Libras avoid conflict, but when they're pushed, they can be passive-aggressive, using small acts of revenge or subtle comments to express their irritation.
Scorpio: Scorpios hold grudges like no other. They can be extremely petty, especially when they feel betrayed or wronged, often seeking revenge or making the situation worse.
Aquarius: Aquarians can be distant and aloof, but when slighted, they might act petty by cutting people off or refusing to communicate, even over small misunderstandings.