Warning to shoppers buying roses, tulips, daffodils or lilies this month
If you're planning to buy roses, tulips, daffodils, or lilies this month, be cautious!
Many flowers sold in stores may have been treated with pesticides or preservatives to enhance their appearance, which can be harmful to pets and pollinators.
Always check for organic or pesticide-free labels before purchasing.
Additionally, heatwaves and fluctuating temperatures can affect the freshness of flowers, causing them to wilt faster than expected
If buying bulbs, inspect them carefully for mold or signs of rot, as improper storage can lead to poor growth.
Lilies, in particular, are highly toxic to cats—even a small amount of pollen can cause severe illness. Keep them out of reach of pets or opt for safer alternatives.
For the best results, purchase flowers from reputable nurseries or farmers’ markets. Proper care, such as trimming stems and changing water regularly, will also help extend their lifespan.